HSE facilitator
Video presentation

Job Description
Under the supervision of the Industrial Director, the Safety-Environment facilitator is responsible for implementing the company's entire safety and environment approach. He or she ensures the implementation and monitoring of environmental and safety standards and regulations.
The Safety-Environment facilitator also ensures regulatory and technological monitoring in order to constantly ensure that his company is in compliance with the various legal obligations and takes into account the latest innovations that can directly impact the quality of products or services.
The Safety-Environment coordinator has the authority to make any decision necessary for the integrity of personnel and respect for the environment.
The Safety-Environment facilitator is the management representative for the EnMS.
This position reports to the Industrial Director of the factory.
Autonomous in carrying out its missions.
Hours are generally regular with the emergencies inherent to the role.
He or she must be very available and mobile to respond to the needs and contingencies of the company.
Required Skills
• Master chemistry, microbiology, hydraulics
• Master the industrial process and the main technologies of each workshop
• Know the HSé regulations, the machine fleet and the products
• Monitor and control the quality of interventions
• Develop and manage a budget
• Manage an improvement or investment project
• Wear work clothing and personal protective equipment (noise, SCBA - self-contained breathing apparatus - for interventions in certain areas)
• Develop and monitor action plans and processes
• Master the standards, certification or chosen labeling
• Ensure systematic technological and regulatory monitoring
• Design, launch and manage a complex project
• Master statistical analysis and defined control techniques
• Evaluate actions, projects, processes
• Train and lead multidisciplinary, heterogeneous groups
• Communicate, negotiate with different people (suppliers, etc.)
• Prepare an audit, conduct an audit
• Supervise quality control of subcontractors and suppliers as well as compliance with internal procedures
• Master office tools such as Excel, messaging
• Update your technological knowledge and constantly adapt
• Communicate with various people
• Be available, organized
This job/profession is accessible with a Master's level diploma (Bac +5) in the HSé field + a few years of professional experience.